Other News

Airborne Maintenance & Engineering Services named ‘Airport Business of the Year’

Airborne Maintenance & Engineering Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of Air Transport Services Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:ATSG), was honored at the Ohio Aviation Association (OAA) Annual Conference as the 2018 Airport Business of the Year, an honor bestowed upon a business that has demonstrated support of OAA’s mission and goals and has made a significant impact on their community and workforce.

Airborne provides Maintenance Repair & Overhaul services at their Wilmington, Ohio location to a who’s who list of cargo and passenger airlines. With a workforce of greater than 800 employees–more than half of them skilled maintenance technicians–Airborne is one of the leading employers in the Wilmington area. They enhance their recruiting efforts with educational partnerships, such as the Structures Apprenticeship Program that allows someone with a mechanical aptitude to gain classroom training, mentoring, and on the job experience towards earning an FAA Airframe & Powerplant license.

Such programs have helped Airborne maintain a workforce skilled in the company’s growing product lines of heavy maintenance, line maintenance, component repair/overhaul, manufacturing, engineering, material sales, and cargo conversions.

During the OAA Annual Conference, Airborne’s President Brady Templeton and General Manager Jim Savastano were joined by Dan Evers, Executive Director of the Clinton County Port Authority, to accept the award. “This was both an honor and a valued recognition for all of the work and investment made by many across the State of Ohio, allowing us an opportunity to invest in people through these training programs,” stated Brady Templeton.
