Ground Handling

PortGround: Alexander König appointed as Managing Director for a further 5 years

Alexander König has been appointed as the Managing Director of PortGround GmbH, which is the Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG (MFAG) company that specializes in aircraft and freight handling.

The Supervisory Board of MFAG has ex-tended his current contract until 2028.

The extension of the contract also means that he continues to manage Flughafenservice GmbH (FSG), a subsidiary of PG, which provides handling services for passengers at Leipzig/Halle and Dresden Airports.

Alexander König has been managing PortGround since 2013 and he has been the Managing Director of FSG since 2018.

“PortGround is a skilled, reliable and internationally valued partner for airlines and all the stakeholders involved along the entire supply chain,” Alexander König explains.

“We want to con-tinue to expand this portfolio and therefore further develop our airports at Leip-zig/Halle and Dresden in a successful way.

“I view the decision taken by the Su-pervisory Board as appreciation for the work that I’ve performed in the past and, as head of this important business unit, I’ll continue to implement the strategy of the Central German Airports in a professional manner with my team in future too.”

PortGround GmbH offers ground handling and freight services as well as other operations at Leipzig/Halle and Dresden Airports as a subsidiary of Mit-teldeutsche Flughafen AG.
